
Golden Christmas with Preciosa Ornela


We wish you a beautiful Christmas time with beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand

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Jewelry Fest Prague


We would like to invite you to the "Jewelry Fest Prague 2019" festival of original jewelry in Prague Peruse the festival, meet up with friends or purchase an exclusive piece of jewelry? It's up to you.

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10 years of Preciosa Ornela


A concertina book published on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Preciosa Ornela.

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The PONER fashion show was adorned with the sparkle of Czech glass


PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Glass™ glass accessories lit up the fashion show of the Czech Poner fashion label. The "Iconic Fashion Show" took place in the Petrof Gallery in Hradec Králové on Thursday 24.10.2019.

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Czech seed beads at Dutch Design Week


Students from the Studio of Textile Design at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague have shown that enlivening work with glass seed beads makes sense.

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Crystal Valley Weekend


We invite you to a weekend of open doors at Crystal Valley. Preciosa Ornela will also take part in the project organised by the Liberec Region and as such will open its doors to the public during the weekend of 26.- 27.10.2019.

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