Calendar 2021

Welcome to a new year full of PRECIOSA beads and seed beads!

We present the calendar for the current year. It should come as no surprise that it is full of Czech beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand.

We have prepared a six-page calendar for you that celebrates the beauty of glass beads in flawless costume jewelry designs. This time, however, the calendar has been photographed in a number of exceptional exteriors.

Successful or new products for this year have been transformed into rich costume jewelry sets designed by Helena ChmelíkováNatálie Škodová and the Atlas Bijoux and Rexpo companies and they adorn the face of the model Jana Grosmanová.

The atmosphere in the seven portraits has been enhanced by the color scheme of the natural scenery in various sites in North Bohemia.

Photographer: Vladimír Labaj
Model: Jana Grossmanová
Makeup and styling: Lucie Janská
Production: Petra Lejsková
Design: Helena Chmelíková, Natálie Škodová, Atlas Bijoux, Rexpo


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