PRECIOSA Rocailles

PRECIOSA Rocailles are the most used type of glass seed beads. They were created in Venice, Italy in the 15th century. These beads have been produced industrially in Bohemia since the 18th century.

3 000 colors
20 sizes
5 types

These round-shaped seed beads are manufactured using unique technology for cutting glass tubes with round or square holes into various sized pieces which are then rounded and polished when hot and subsequently classed by size and shape.

The PRECIOSA Rocailles are produced in sizes from 1.5 mm to 8 mm and the sizes of the Czech PRECIOSA seed beads are stated using the traditional so-called zero series. The regular sizes range from the smallest 16/0 through to the largest 1/0, while rarities also include the four large sizes of 31, 32, 33 and 34, known colloquially as potatoes.

We divide the PRECIOSA Rocailles into so-called uncoated and coated rocailles according to the level of their subsequent finish. Whereas uncoated rocailles are left with the pure glass finish, a coated rocaille is given a further surface finish, for example colouring, galvanising or other types of decoration.

Cut PRECIOSA Rocailles are a special type of PRECIOSA seed bead on which 1-2 small facets are cut on a special cutting wheel. This makes the PRECIOSA Rocaille sparkle and it acquires exceptional optical properties in combination with some other surface finishes. The most popular size of these cut PRECIOSA seed beads is the 13/0 size, traditionally known as Charlotte beads.

Special variants

We offer PRECIOSA Rocailles in 5 variants.


Round hole, round profile
Art. No.: 311 19 001, 331 19 001, 331 39 001 - matt
Sizes: 1/0, 2/0, 3/0, 4/0, 5/0, 6/0, 7/0, 8/0, 9/0, 10/0, 11/0, 12/0, 13/0, 14/0, 15/0, 16/0, 31, 32, 33, 34


Square hole, round profile
Art. No.: 311 29 001, 331 29 001, 331 49 001 - matt
Sizes: 1/0, 2/0, 3/0, 4/0, 5/0, 6/0, 7/0, 8/0, 9/0, 10/0, 11/0, 12/0, 13/0, 14/0, 31, 32, 33, 34


Collection full of positive energy and colors.

The surface finish collection known as PermaLux has expanded the range of seed beads under the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand.

The PermaLux color pallet includes 22 shades of pastel colors in pearl-gloss and matt versions. The color spectrum offers shades of yellow, orange, brown, red, pink, lilac, green or blue and grey in the glossy and matt variants.

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PRECIOSA Terra Intensive


The PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ range has an extensive color base. We now present the PRECIOSA Terra Intensive summer color collection.

This involves surface finishes in 11 shades on chalk ranging from clear yellow through to chocolate brown. You can combine these bright colors to create attractive and highly absorbing patterns. 
We offer this pallet of intensive colors in 3 selected bead shapes, specifically PRECIOSA Rocailles in 3 sizes (10/0, 8/0 and 6/0) and two other types of seed beads, PRECIOSA Farfalle™ and PRECIOSA Twin™.
The colorful seed beads from the PRECIOSA Terra Intensive collection can be used in embroidery, sewing or other costume jewelry or accessories for the warm summer months. Just try them!

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New Natural Colors

New Seed Beads Natural Glass Colors

We have expanded the color range of PRECIOSA Rocailles for you to include new natural glass colors!

We offer you the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ rocaille range in newly developed and unique shades of light lilac and pink

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Solgel Colors

PRECIOSA ORNELA is the manufacturer of the widest range of glass seed beads in the world. One of the most popular color decorations is Solgel.

This involves a color range of up to thirty shades in three various levels of opaqueness. We can apply these colors to seed beads made from crystal, crystal with a silver lining, alabaster and chalk.

We present a total of 360 color variants in seed bead color catalogue.

We also offer the PRECIOSA Pip ™ and the PRECIOSA Forget-me-not pressed beads and Fire Polished Beads in seventeen shades of solgel colors.

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PRECIOSA Pearl Pastel Lining

Wedding range of seed beads with a mother-of-pearl lining

Choose from a pallet of 10 delicate shades of mother-of-pearl linings in shiny crystal seed beads: 

PRECIOSA Rocailles in two sizes (6/0 and 10/0), cut variant of this seed bead in the 11/0 size, PRECIOSA Drops, PRECIOSA Oblongs and PRECIOSA Triangles.

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PRECIOSA White Lining

Highlight your design!

It is the white lining, that highlights the color of the transparent glass.

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PRECIOSA Rocailles

You can see the works of our designers, such as Alexandra Lysenko, Helena Chmelíková, Karla Mokrošová, Romana Tschunková, Kateřina Krausová.



Contact your nearest dealers of the PRECIOSA beads and seed beads

We distribute Czech glass beads and seed beads with the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand all over the world. You can buy them from our distributors.

Not all Seed Beads are Created Equal

Seed beads tests infomercial

Czech PRECIOSA seed beads are often compared with other well-known Japanese seed beads (for example, the Miyuki brand). You will also come across them in many places throughout the world and in many contexts: in costume jewellery, hobby articles, Christmas decorations, clothing and shoe embroidery and appliqués and fashion and home accessories or in the most traditional of seed bead products, i.e. ethnic souvenirs made by the Indians of both Americas, African tribes or a number of Asian nations.


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