
Trienále Jablonec 2020

Jablonec nad Nisou

The largest show of glass and fashion jewellery in Europe. More than 100 Czech and foreign companies, studies and designers spread over 6 exhibitions. News, innovations, bestsellers!

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Museum of Contemporary Glass Art Portheimka

Contemporary luxury Czech costume jewelry While Bohemian crystal is a relatively well-known and renowned brand in the Czech Republic, not much is known of Czech costume jewelry. However, they are both similarly renowned internationally.

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Mission, Vision, Revision

Galerie UM, UMPRUM, nám. Jana Palacha 80, Praha 1

A successful project from the UMPRUM Studio of Textile Design in dialogue with Dutch designers

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Double Fantasy

Jablonec nad Nisou

Such was the theme of January’s Made in Jablonec 2020 fashion show On Thursday 9.1.2020, the Jablonec Eurocentre hosted the 11th annual traditional fashion show, which was also adorned by some of the finalists from the Miss Czech Republic competition.

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2020 Calendar


Around the world with seed beads. Take a look at the Preciosa Ornela calendar for 2020!

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Made in Jablonec 2020 - Invitation


Beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand at the Jablonec festival of fashion!

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