PRECIOSA Engraved Pip


We present a new pressed bead in the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ range.

We have supplemented the highly popular PRECIOSA Pip™ Pressed Bead with a bigger engraved shape, the PRECIOSA Engraved Pip. As the name implies, the bead is distinguished by three grooves on both sides. These allow for the interplay of light and shade which you are especially sure to welcome in the metal plated and single-color finishes.

Try out the PRECIOSA Engraved Pip in the 9 x 14 mm size. When combined with the smaller PRECIOSA Pip™ beads, it provides extensive scope for the creation of colorful floral designs. You can give your glass costume jewelry or fashion accessories delicacy and elegance, for example, by using smaller sizes of PRECIOSA Rocailles.

Choose from more than 30 color variants and be inspired by the gallery on Flickr.

PRECIOSA Engraved Pip
Article No.: 111 01 391
Size: 9x14 mm

We wish you pleasant hours of beadworking with products from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand.



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