The story of the brand

Czech glass beads and seed beads in the Czech Republic's UNESCO guide

The monuments on the UNESCO list represent our most valuable heritage. Each of us are sure to know a number of products that represent the Czech Republic abroad and are bearers of long-term tradition and know-how. These also include traditional Czech beads and seed beads by Preciosa Ornela.

The latest of many generations of glassmakers from the Jizera Mountains still works with molten glass day in, day out to create small glass seed beads in various shapes, sizes and colors. They are sold under the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand to more than 80 countries on 5 continents of the world. They are sent to countries where they not only find use in the creation of costume jewellery, but also, and especially, in the production of ethnic products, traditional souvenirs, embroidery and clothing applications or decorative products.

The modern pocket guide not only provides a summary dedicated to the Czech towns, cities and monuments entered in the UNESCO list, but also the stories of well-known Czech brands, including Preciosa.

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Czech Republic UNESCO

Pocket Guide

Glass beads and seed beads under the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ in the modern pocket guide on VisitCzechRepublic.

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