
Zyanya Keizer and Czech seed beads


12th APRIL 2019, ART CENTRE MEDIAMATIC, AMSTERDAM This will be the venue for a presentation by this Dutch fashion designer, whose fashion makes use of all types of shapes of glass seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand.

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See You on the Glass


Visit the new "See You on the Glass" exhibition at the Ctěnice Chateau near Prague. Contemporary Production of Students and Teachers from Nový Bor Glass School.

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Ami Vitale Hope x Extinction


Czech Seed Beads in the photographs of Africa We invite you to the Ami Vitale Hope x Extinction exhibition, which takes places at the Czech Photo Centre in Prague from 28th February to 7th April 2019. You will also see typical indigenous jewelery from PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ beads on a number of photos.

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Ambiente 2019


Preciosa Ornela's limited edition of decorative glass in Frankfurt The world's largest trade fair for consumer goods and design will take place in Frankfurt am Main from 8th to 12th February 2019.

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Kerrie Slade and Czech Seed Beads on-line


Watch Live the TV shopping channel, Jewellery Maker right now!

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The 2019 celebration of fashion in Jablonec


Made in Jablonec 2019, this time in the haute couture style The gala evening full of magnificent gowns and costume jewellery collections took place for the tenth time in 2019. The first week of January, specifically Thursday 10.1.2019, belonged to Jablonec costume jewellery which has a long tradition here.

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