
Tried your hand at the glassmaker’s art in Zásada


We entered the open doors of Preciosa Ornela in Zásada and there was certainly a lot to see! Preciosa Ornela was visited by almost two thousands fans of Czech glass and seed beads on Saturday 25.8.2018.

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Walk in through the open doors


The Open Day at PRECIOSA ORNELA and summer Seed Bead Festival in Zásada. PRECIOSA ORNELA and the Township of Zásada invite you to a summer Seed Bead Festival and Open Day at PRECIOSA ORNELA. Come and see how Czech seed beads are made at the production facility, which you will find at the address of Zásada 317, 468 25 Zásada, between the 8 am and 1 pm on Saturday 25th August 2018.

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Zásadský ráj - the story of Czech seed beads


A new book on costume jewelry tells the story of Czech seed beads Costume jewelry from Jablonec is still one of the Czech products which has made an excellent name for us abroad.

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Fashion Colorworks 2018 Contest


The 9th international Fashion Colorworks competition Beadworkers all over the world have registered for this competition on the My Lovely Beads website since 2010. Preciosa Ornela was once again one of the main sponsors in several categories this year.

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Seven stories, sources of inspiration, pieces of work by students


Final examination projects by the students at the Applied Arts Secondary School and the Upper Secondary School in Jablonec nad Nisou Inspired by stories; this is the poetic topic which was set for the students from the Jablonec Applied Arts Secondary School and the Upper Secondary School in Jablonec for their final examinations at the end of 2017/2018 school year. The topic was set by PRECIOSA ORNELA, which sent the students the necessary materials from its product range of beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand. This resulted in seven unique creations which are well worth taking a closer look at.

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The Magic Fusion prize for the most daring hat


The noblewoman with the most daring hat received a prize from PRECIOSA ORNELA Several hundred members of aristocratic houses from all over Europe met in Karlovy Vary at the end of April at the European Aristocracy Horse Racing Meeting.

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