Korea, workshops, students and Czech costume jewelry


Korea, workshops, students and Czech costume jewelry

Korea, workshopy, studenti a Česká bižuterie

In Seoul, Iksan and Daegu on 23. 4. - 26. 4. 2019

All in connection with one Sakura project held with the support of the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou and Preciosa Ornela.

Czech costume jewelry workshops designed for tertiary students in the field of design and for beginner designers will take place under the leadership of the Czech designer, Kateřina Krausová,in three Korean jewelry making centres, Seoul, Iksan and Daegu, during the last week of April. The participants will have the opportunity to try working with traditional Czech costume jewelry components, namely glass seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand made by Preciosa Ornela, which is the largest Czech producer and exporter of this product range.


23. 4. Seoul 
25. 4. Iksan  
26. 4. Daegu

The organisation of the workshops constitutes a continuation of the successful cooperation of the Czech Centre in Seoul and the Seoul Jewelry Industry Support Center, Fashion Jewelry Town in Daegu and the Museum of Jewelry in Iksan, with which the Handmade Dreams exhibition presenting the contemporary trends in the production of Czech costume jewelry and a series of lectures by the head curator of the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou, Petr Nový, were held last year.

The workshops will be followed by the announcement of a competition for the most beautiful costume jewelry work made from Czech seed beads. The best products will be presented to Korean society at a joint exhibition and the three winning works from each city will also be displayed at the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou (Czech Republic).

náhled plakát workshopy preciosa zmenseno plakat workshopy preciosa en

1st video
Short documentary video
of Kateřina Krausová's journey to Korea

The first day of workshops - Seoul, April 23, 2019

workshop soul workshop soul 2 workshop soul 3
workshop soul 4 workshop soul 5 workshop soul 6

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The second video
Day OFF in Korea

The second day of workshops - Iksan, April 25, 2019

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korea iksan 3 korea iksan 4 korea iksan 6

korea iksan 5

(Sources: Kateřina Krausová, Michaela Lee)

The 3rd video
Workshop in Iksan
April 25, 2019

The 4th video
Workshop in Daegu
April 26, 2019

The participants in the workshops will try working with glass costume jewelry seed beads when making sakura blossoms, which they can use to create a variety of costume jewelry creations from the Sakura design range designed by Helena Chmelíková for Preciosa Ornela. The workshops will be led by the Czech designer, Kateřina Krausová, who has cooperated with Preciosa since 2008. She designs and makes collections of promotional costume jewelry designed for international trade fairs and exhibitions. In addition, she has also created original pieces of costume jewelry for the Pantone Trends and Hobby projects or sales boxes for brands such as Fossil, Pandora, Luis Vuitton, René Caovilla or Ralph Lauren. She has also contributed to the preparation of a trade fair stand in Hong Kong or an exhibition on the 65th anniversary of the establishment of the company.

sakura 02 sakura 03
sakura celenka c sakura vetevka b

Small Sakura blossoms made of glass beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ range - designed by Helena Chmelíková
PRECIOSA Chilli™, PRECIOSA Twin™ and PRECIOSA Rocailles

We will keep you updated on everything on our Facebook and Instagram profiles.

READ MORE: http://seoul.czechcentres.cz/cs/

The event is organised by the Seoul Czech Centre, the Seoul Jewelry Industry Support Centre, Fashion Jewelry Town in Daegu and the Museum of Jewelry in Iksan with support from Preciosa Ornela, the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou and the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Seoul.


Czech Crystal Craft in Korea

Czech – Korean workshops & Contest in Seoul / Iksan / Daegu
Lecturer: Kateřina Krausová
Date: TUE 23. 4. 2019 - Seoul


Czech – Korean workshop:
1st part (1p.m. – 2 p.m.) History of glass seed bead production in the Czech Republic
2nd part (2 p.m. – 5 p.m.) Workshop

Contest: TUE 23. 4. – FRI 17. 5. (till 5 p.m.)
Work/design made from glass seed beads donated by Preciosa Ornela company

Price: Selection of the 3 best works in each city (9 works in total)
The best works will be exhibited in Seoul, Iksan, Daegu and the Czech Republic
Certificate of the Czech Centre Seoul’s Director and others

Who can participate: 20 jewelry designers (on the first come basis)

Registration: Center’s website or Kakao Plus Friends

Venue: Jewelry Library, 2F, first building, Seoul Jewelry Industry Support Center

Information: Phone No. 02-764-9051 / / first building, Seoul Jewelry Industry Support Center
The workshops will take place in the Seoul Jewelry Industry Support Center, Iksan Jewelry Museum and the Fashion Jewelry Town in Daegu. More details about the contest on the Center’s website.

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