
Calendar 2018


We present the 2018 calendar. The thirteen photographs present PRECIOSA ORNELA’s new products.

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Design Desná exhibition has opened!


Desná glass shines at the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou You finally have an unique opportunity to see masterpieces of craftsmanship and artistry which represent a 170 year glass tradition which is still ongoing at PRECIOSA ORNELA!

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Neon colors and Travertine


PRECIOSA ORNELA presents new Neon colors and the improved Travertine finish  The seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ product range are now newly decorated with neon colors in linings. At the same time, we also present the improved Travertine finish which we offer on a wider size and color range of glass seed beads.

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The Mistral statue - the prize for the winner of the FLEET AWARDS survey Glass statues made by PRECIOSA ORNELA in Desná are often valued prizes for award winners and the same is true at the Fleet Awards.

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Limited collection Design Desná 2017 - Vase, 1973


Vase dating from 1973 PRECIOSA ORNELA unveils the last exhibit in the Design Desná 2017 Limited Collection from the workshop of the designer Václav Hanuš. In doing so, PRECIOSA ORNELA will complete its showcase of selected glass products from the Desná Since 1847® brand.

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Blanka Matragi and Czech glass seed beads


An exhibition of elegant dresses with Czech seed beads by the internationally renowned designer Blanka Matragi is now in full flow If you have not yet seen it, you still have the opportunity to visit the exhibition of luxurious dresses from the workshop of Blanka Matragi at the Municipal House in Prague.In this collection called ELEMENTS (water, earth, fire and air), the designer not only worked with PRECIOSA Crystal Components, but also with Czech glass seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ range, as she herself said at the press conference about the FASHION SHOW ELEMENTS in Prague.

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