Jewelry Fest Prague


Jewelry Fest Prague

Jewelry Fest Prague

A festival of original jewelry, a sales exhibition and creative courses led by international masters

Become acquainted with the art of beadworking and not just with seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand. You will be able to see beautiful original pieces of jewelry with your own eyes.

jewelryfestprague pozvanka cz fb oprava1We invite you to the "Jewelry Fest Prague" festival of original jewelry which will take place on 11th November 2018 at the Kotva Shopping Centre in Prague.

This is a unique event at a European level and it will be held in Prague for the second time. You will see examples of work by active artists and designers from all over the world.


You can look forward to opulent sets of jewelry and artistic products mainly made using PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™.

The festival will include:

  • fashion shows
  • competitions and prize draws for visitors
  • the option of taking a photograph with the jewellery from our collection
  • workshops for children
  • a competition for the most beautiful piece of jewellery at the festival


11th November 2018,  3 - 7 pm


the Kotva Shopping Centre, Náměstí Republiky 8, Prague 1

Do you want to know more?

web  Instagram  facebook


For more visit Facebook and Instagram.

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