Break Point: Children’s Weekend at Prague Castle

The Office of the President of the Czech Republic is organizing a fun and educational weekend that is not just for children, and Preciosa will be at the center of it.

On September 15th and 16th, 2018, we invite you to the traditional Children's “Break Point” Weekend at the Prague Castle (from 10 am to 5 pm on both days).

As you walk through the Castle, six interesting tasks await the younger visitors. In addition to having fun completing the tasks, each child will also receive a gift from Preciosa Ornela at the culmination of their adventure. There will also be a hands-on workshop for anyone who would like to get crafty, and a chance to try on some medieval armor as well! To further underline the medieval atmosphere, there will be demonstrations of many period handicrafts and trades.

Admission is free.

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bod zlomu pribeh deti 2 2018 zm

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