Aš to Už/horod

Czech seed beads in a travelling exhibition created by students from the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague will be on display in Liberec

We invite you to the Aš to Uzhhorod exhibition held to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the republic, at which the results of the year-long projects of the students from the Textile Production Studio at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Praguewill be on display.

Liberec will be the fourth stopover for this project. There, the students uncovered the past of the Liebig Family, which was involved in the textile industry, and the Riedel family, which was famous for its costume jewellery production. There will be a discussion and the exhibition of the work of the students from the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, which hase been inspired by the fates of these two business families, will then be opened. As such, you will be able to see seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand through the eyes of the students in several pieces of work.

The project recalls the significance of the entrepreneurial families who stood at the forefront of the economic prosperity of the 1st Republic. The Liebig family, which was in business in the textile industry, was active in Liberec. The founder, Johann Liebig, was one of the most important industrialists in the Czech lands. The other family which the exhibition focuses on is the Riedel family from nearby Dolní Polubný, which was involved in the production of glass, glass seed beads and costume jewellery.

As part of the debate led by the students from the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, you will also be able to focus your attention on artists who worked in the service of the state and created a so-called National Style. This will involve such names as Josef Gočár, Pavel Janák, Dušan Jurkovič, Josef Hoffmann or František Kysela. The lecture and debate and the following exhibition opening will take place in the industrial area of the former foundry at Resslova 271/6, Liberec.

The event program on Wednesday 10.10.:
5 pm - A public lecture and debate
6:30 pm - The opening of the Aš to Uzhhorod exhibition

The exhibition is open from 10.10. to 23.10.2018, Mon-Sun from 1 pm to 5 pm. FREE entry


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