The PONER fashion show was adorned with the sparkle of Czech glass

PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Glass™ glass accessories lit up the fashion show of the Czech Poner fashion label.

The "Iconic Fashion Show" took place in the Petrof Gallery in Hradec Králové on Thursday 24.10.2019.

The symbols of the traditional Czech companies Preciosa and Petrof combined with the beauty of the fashion world during a single evening. The Petrof Gallery hosted an evening dedicated to the latest designs from the Poner duo. Glass accessories from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Glass™ brand created by Klára Franc Vavříková decorated the show venue. This renowned florist, who has participated in and won a number of floral arrangement competitions, has combined flowers and other materials with Czech seed beads, beads and glass from Preciosa Ornela before and this time she created magnificent decorations for this special occasion.



Casual style, a wedding collection and sparkling long gowns for special occasions. During the evening, however, the models also wore gowns which had been sewn with seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand.


And here is a photograph from the end of the Poner fashion show as a bonus.


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