Jewelry Fest Prague

We would like to invite you to the "Jewelry Fest Prague 2019" festival of original jewelry in Prague

Peruse the festival, meet up with friends or purchase an exclusive piece of jewelry? It's up to you.

This annual gala gathering of artists and admirers of the art of jewelry-making will take place at the luxurious Hotel President Prague, nám. Náměstí Curieových 1/100, Prague 1, from 11 am to 5 pm on Saturday 16.11.2019.

You can look forward to original pieces of jewelry by European designers for everyday wear, as well as original treasures. In addition to the jewelry exhibition, there will also be a fashion show and a number of competitions. You will also be able to take photographs with a beautiful piece of jewelry from the collection.

Follow the website at, Facebook or Instagram.

View the gallery of the Jewelry Fest Prague 2019 designs!




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