Golden Christmas

Luxury cut seed beads for Christmas and much more

Dear customers, business partners
and fans of PRECIOSA beads and seed beads.

We would like to thank you for your cooperation throughout the year and your goodwill in these unusual and complicated times. 

We greatly appreciate it.

We present a taste of the very best that Preciosa Ornela has to offer.

The most luxurious finish on the internationally renowned seed beads
from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand
that is currently available can be found on

Charlotte Beads.

This is a Czech cut rocaille with dimensions of 13/0
and a surface finish consisting of 24 carat gold


Let their sparkle light up your home and the faces of your loved ones.  

May Czech seed beads bring you joy,
the certainty of tradition
and hope for the future.

Charlotte Beads - Cut Rocailles

PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™

Be inspired by the Christmas designs at the Flickr gallery.


Article No.: 361 11 001 - Cut Rocailles
Color: 68304 - pure gold
Sizes: 11/0,  13/0 (Charlottes)



Sparkling Snowflakes Necklace


Create a sparkling necklace or an entire costume jewelry set by the popular designer Kerrie Slade.



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