
PRECIOSA Twin™ in Japan


Popular Japanese leaflets about seed beads. These days Japanese bead lovers can find more information about PRECIOSA Twin trade; in leaflets which are spreaded among bead fans both in printed and e-version.

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Beading in Japan


Beading in Japan This year, Preciosa Ornela, together with its Japanese distributor, launched an extensive marketing campaign in Bead Friend.

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Bead Art Fair in Hamburg


We support the competitions which will held upon the occasion of Beaders Best Bead Art Fair Hamburg 2nd BEADERS BEST Bead Art Fair will take place in Hamburg/Germany, 18―19 August 2012. Visitors will find all kinds of beads and accessories, books, jewelry kits and the finest handmade jewelry.

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Fragile Beauty, Polished Taste


Visitors can look forward to beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads brand Visitors to the Fragile Beauty, Polished Taste exhibition can also look forward to beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads brand.

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Glass Town 2012


Czech seed beads at Glas Town 2012 Czech seed beads will be pressented at the the celebration of the glassmaking craft, Glass Town 2012 on 15 – 16 September.

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Celebration of St. Ann 2012


Czech seed beads at the celebration of the glassmaking craft, Glass Celebration of St. Ann 2012 Czech PRECIOSA seed beads by PRECIOSA ORNELA at the celebration of the glassmaking craft, Glass Celebration of St. Ann 2012

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