The “Libuška” glass artefact

The glass “Libuška” award at the OPERA 2013 Festival

The current prize for the OPERA 2013 Festival was designed by the significant glass artist Václav Hanuš. The glass artefact was produced by PRECIOSA ORNELA at its glassworks in Desná which has already made this prize twice in the past.

<strong>An exhibition of the top performances by all Czech and Moravian professional opera companies took place at the beginning of this year within the framework of the 11th year of the festival of musical theatre known as OPERA 2013.</strong>

The festival has been held at prestigious Prague theatres, especially the National Theatre and the Estates Theatre, every second year since 1993. It offers works which have not been performed in Prague for several decades as well as different perspectives of productions which are currently included in the repertoires of Prague theatres. The festival also presents the remarkable personalities who are active in the regional opera companies. 

The festival emphasises those productions which have been especially successful in domestic operatic theatre.<strong> In 2013, festival performances were also given honorary awards, so-called “Libuška Awards” in the following categories:</strong> The Critics’ Prize for the Best Production (the prize went to the F. X. Šalda Theatre in Liberec), the Audience’s Prize for the Best Production, the Prize for the Exceptional Performance of a Role and the Festival Director’s Prize.

The current “Libuška” for the OPERA 2013 Festival was designed by the significant glass artist Václav Hanuš. <strong>The glass artefact was produced by PRECIOSA ORNELA at its glassworks in Desná which has already made this prize twice in the past.</strong>


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