Christmas with Preciosa Ornela With this newsletter, PRECIOSA ORNELA concludes this year’s series of information about new products and points of interest from the world of beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads range. The December newsletter unveils the new calendar for 2015, designer Olga Haserodt and offers tutorials showing you how to make your own Christmas decorations.
Calendar 2014 Six-page, Calendar PRECIOSA ORNELA 2014
Fleet Muse from Preciosa Ornelaly Glass statuettes from the Preciosa Ornela plant in Desná are often used as valuable trophies for winners of various awards and the same is also true in the case of the Fleet Awards questionnaire.
Mistral Statuette - Fleet Muse (design: H. Hoffmann), produced by PRECIOSA ORNELA Glass statuettes from the Preciosa Ornela plant in Desná are often used as valuable trophies for winners of various awards and the same is also true in the case of the Fleet Awards questionnaire.
Art School Sympozium Tens of young artists not only from the Czech Republic, but also from abroad came to the Liberec Region to present their art. The Art School Symposium was officially opened in the North Bohemian Museum in Liberec on 13th September 2013.
Students’ practical school work made using PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads practical work created by students in their second year at the Applied Arts Secondary School in Jablonec nad Nisou.
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