"A glass symposium" at the Šantovka Gallery The interactive workshop known as the Art Studio was established at the Olomouc Šantovka Gallery at the end of 2014. It provides a beautiful exhibition and work space for artists and designers all year round. Visitors to the shopping centre can watch them work and can even participate in the creative process at various workshops.
An exhibition of contemporary art, fashion jewelry, exclusive design and dolls - "the Golden Hands of the Masters" took place in Kiev from 3rd to 5th April 2015.
We invite you to spring exhibition in Stuttgat on April 9 to 12. Fair KREATIV in southern Germany held regularly twice a year.
Slava Zaitsev and Beata Rajská's joint fashion show with accessories from the PRECIOSA brand A unique fashion show by Russian and Czech designers took place on 20th February 2015 in Moscow within the framework of the international "Sláva Zaitsev Fashion House" project with the support of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in the Russian Federation.
Preciosa Ornela at the Creativa Trade Fair in Dortmund PRECIOSA ORNELA, a.s., member of PRECIOSA Group, will participate at the CREATIVA International trade Fair in Dortmund, which will be held on 18th – 22th March 2015, once again.
An exhibition of seed bead handbags The Regional Museum and Gallery in Jičín invites you to an exhibition of "Seed Bead Handbags" which opened in the exhibition corridor on Saturday 17th January 2015. The exhibition has been organised in association with the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewelry in Jablonec nad Nisou and the Atlas Bijoux Zásada Company which manufactures costume jewelry accessories and handbags made using seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads range.
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