The 5th Beaders Best Perlenkunst Messe


The 5th Beaders Best Perlenkunst Messe

5.Beaders Best Perlenkunst Messe

The 5th BEADERS BEST Perlenkunst Messe, this time with Kerrie Slade

This meeting of designers who have been enchanted by working with glass beads and seed beads is a completely unique event in Europe and it will once again take place at the exhibition centre in Hamburg from 21st to 23rd August 2015. Fans of PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads can now look forward to meeting the English designer of a number of its delicate pieces of seed bead jewellery. We therefore invite you to visit the Preciosa Ornela stand for a "Flower Party" with Kerrie Slade.

The second half of August belongs to preparations for and the realisation of an internationally significant festival for creative people who will present their magnificent work for the fifth time between 21st and 23rd August 2015 at the exhibition centre in the northern part of Hamburg. This year's version of this special trade fair will once again provide visitors with a wide range of glass accessories and costume jewelry components. The magnificent designer and sales events enable visitors to take part in a varied and innovative program of high quality courses focussed on improving and expanding the options for the use of creative and beadworking techniques in conjunction with beads and seed beads.

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The main organiser of this interesting gathering is the editorial team of the Perlen Poesie, Beaders Best magazine. As has become traditional, PRECIOSA ORNELA will once again sponsor the competitions which are held on this occasion. There will also be a fashion show supplemented with original jewelry and the exhibition of the winning costume jewelry creations will also take pride of place.


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