PRECIOSA ORNELA will take part the Rokajl Fest 2012. Seed bead madness will break out on 21st– 22nd April 2012 in Prague when the 2012 Rocaille Fest festival will take place. PRECIOSA ORNELA will not only be a participant at this gathering of fans of seed beads, but also a sponsor of the prizes for the winners of the competition for the best piece of jewellery made from seed beads which will be held upon the occasion of the festival.
PRECIOSA ORNELA supports the MASTERBEADER competition with PRECIOSA Twin trade; Czech seed beads Perles Co, the French distributor of Czech beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads brand, announced THE 2012 MASTERBEADER competition for the most beautiful piece of jewellery. PRECIOSA ORNELA become one of the main sponsors of this competition and supported the MASTERBEADER competition with will PRECIOSA Twin trade; seed beads.
TWIN FOR FREE – the packets of the new PRECIOSA Twin trade; seed beads have made many people happy. We sent a total of two thousands packets of samples of PRECIOSA Twin trade; seed beads to more than fifty countries in the world within the framework of the TWIN FOR FREE campaign during January and February 2012. This was a gift for our fans on Facebook. They paid us back by sending us many wonderful creations.
PRECIOSA ORNELA has supported the “KORÁLKIÁDA” project with a donation of 34 kg of Czech seed beads. PRECIOSA ORNELA has supported the “KORÁLKIÁDA” project with a donation of 34 kg of seed beads.
Portrait of Her Majesty The Queen Margrethe II made from Preciosa Ornela beads Mari Keto, a Finnish artist working with jewellery as her medium, exhibits the portrait of Her Majesty The Queen Margrethe II. Portrait of Her Majesty The Queen Margrethe II was made from Preciosa Ornela beads
Czech seed beads at the 2012 Creativeworld International Trade Fair in Frankfurt Czech seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads brand appeared in Frankfurt at the largest international trade fair for the creative sector, Creativeworld.
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