Beads for good cause

PRECIOSA ORNELA has supported the “KORÁLKIÁDA” project with a donation of 34 kg of Czech seed beads.

PRECIOSA ORNELA has supported the “KORÁLKIÁDA” project with a donation of 34 kg of seed beads.

PRECIOSA ORNELA has supported the “KORÁLKIÁDA” project with a donation of 34 kg of seed beads. The internet portal of a number of creative enthusiasts started the project with the aim of collecting and stringing the maximum number of seed beads and thus creating a Czech seed bead record. All of the creations will then make their way to handicapped individuals in the Czech Abilympic Association and at selected institutions who will thus acquire material for their own creative work. The event will continue until 26th May. Everybody can become involved in the project. Just string any unneeded seed beads which you have at home and send or take them to the collection points throughout the entire Czech Republic (more about the project <a href = "" target = "_blank">HERE</a>).

An article about our donation: <a href = ""  target = "_blank"></a>


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