TWIN FOR FREE – the packets of the new PRECIOSA Twin™ seed beads have made many people happy.

We sent a total of two thousands packets of samples of PRECIOSA Twin™ seed beads to more than fifty countries in the world within the framework of the TWIN FOR FREE campaign during January and February 2012. This was a gift for our fans on Facebook. They paid us back by sending us many wonderful creations.

Has the TWIN FOR FREE campaign finished?  It depends how you look at it: we are admittedly not sending out any more free packets, but new ideas for the use of our new PRECIOSA Twin™ seed bead are constantly appearing on our Facebook page.

During January and February 2012, our Facebook page came alive with the TWIN FOR FREE campaign. Our fans were able to apply to receive samples of the new PRECIOSA Twin&trade; two-hole seed bead free of charge.  And many of them made use of this opportunity – we sent out a total of 2000 ten-gram packets.  We have been very pleasantly surprised by the creativity of our fans who have sent us many diagrams and photos of finished earrings, bracelets, necklaces and other decorations! This page includes just a small sample of them. Go here for further ideas: <a href = "" target = "_blank"></a>. 

The participants in the TWIN FOR FREE campaign came from a total of 53 countries throughout the world and were both amateurs and professionals. The sent envelopes not only contained the packet of beads, but also a folding brochure with pictures of the first colour series of PRECIOSA Twin&trade; seed beads. Many of the recipients were so inspired that they have since purchased further colours and continue to create…

Just look at their wonderful ideas and see for yourself!

We are sorry that not everybody was able to receive the beads this time. We are very seriously considering repeating the campaign soon. So follow us here on the <a href = "">web</a>, on <a href = "" target = "_blank">Facebook</a> and on <a href = "" target = "_blank">Twitter</a>.

Keep creating with TWIN!

Your Preciosa Ornela


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