Seed bead snowflakes

Difficulty: 2
Technique: basic beadweaving

Pendants in national colours

The 22nd Winter Olympics in Sochi are here! They are fundamentally connected with snow and frost and with that little bit of patriotism which is awoken in each of us at least for a short while. The Olympiad unites the entire world for a few weeks as people from all over the globe watch the races and matches and cross their fingers in support of their favourites. Support our sportspeople with original talismans which are also stylish accessories. Seed bead snowflakes in national colours can be used as an effective pendant or as decorations in larger numbers. Thanks to the wide range of colours and shapes of the beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads brand, you can take inspiration from our tutorial and create your own colour combinations and new snow flake shapes for various occasions. 
Preciosa Ornela wishes you many happy hours of beadworking and excellent results for our sportspeople.


Helena Chmelíková

She is able to switch from luxurious and extravagant fashion show pieces to the preparation of hobby projects,

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Step 1

The red snowflake
Sew the centre, seven circles consisting of 6 beads. 
Sew six loops, one linking to another, using 6x 4 mm beads (figure 1a). Sew six points with a wider base onto the centre. This will result in a six-pointed star (figure 1b). Add another six points with a narrower base onto the centre. Cross them with the previous points. Pass the narrower point over the wider point on the left-hand side and pass it behind the wider point on the right-hand side (figure 1c).

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Step 2

The white snowflake 
Sew a central circle out of fourteen loops, one linked to another, made from 4x 4 mm beads (fig. 2a). 
Alternately sew larger and smaller points onto the central circle. The smaller points consist of a simple loop. Use a right angle weave stitch in the upper section of the larger point. Remember to bend the wire and shape it in the direction of the stringing (fig. 2b).

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Step 3

The blue snowflake 
This is the most complicated of the three snowflakes and it requires precision. Alternately string 6x R and 6x T and tighten well. Pass both ends of the wire into second hole of the same Twin. String the longer end in the gap between the T with 2x new T (fig. 3a). Do not cut the ends of the wire. Alternately string a longer and shorter point using R and S with a new wire in the outer holes of the T. The longer should be above the splayed T and the shorter should be above the T from the first row (fig. 3b). Reinforce the centre. Pass the uncut longer wire from the centre through the edge of the centre. String 1x R (fig. 3c) under the points. If you want to hang the snowflake, string a T in one of the points instead of the top S.

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