Celebrate Saint Patrick's Day with a handmade woven bracelet in traditional green shades of PRECIOSA White Lining seed beads. Brighten up the bracelet with a few seed beads in the golden PRECIOSA Luxury Coating. This simple and entertaining tutorial will guide you through every step to help you create a unique accessory that not only reflects the Irish spirit, but will also bring a piece of luck into your day.
A small weaving loom; a thin and medium thread (Belfil-S 30 – the warp; Belfil – S 50 - the weft); gold decorative thread; scissors; needles; a costume jewelry end piece; 2x 0.5 mm rings; 1x carabiner; an extending chain (16 links); flat-nosed pliers; round-nose pliers; snipping pliers; glue
The width of the bracelet depends on the number of rocailles in the row. The bracelet in the tutorial is ca 2.5 cm wide (17 rocailles in the row). The length of the bracelet depends on the number of rocaille rows and the length of the rocaille columns. The bracelet in the tutorial contains 36 rocaille rows and the rocaille columns consist of 10 or 15 rocailles on one thread.
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