The international Battle of the Beadsmith competition for sewn beaded jewelry has its first czech winner. The winner of the international Battle of the Beadsmith competition for sewn beaded jewelry in 2014 (BOTB '14) was the Czech designer Dita Koksová with her necklace entitled a Touch of Paradise. She succeeded in the face of extensive competition from 255 participants from 40 countries, of which most are truly at the top of their field. This is the first ever win for a Czech designer in this prestigious competition.
Blossom brooch in pastel colors This blossom brooch made from rocailles and PRECIOSA Twin™ seed beads in pastel colors on a fabric base will brighten up every day.
These simple, but distinctively colorful necklaces made using popular beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand.
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