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Easter card


Easter card made using seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech beads brand A handmade card is sure to please its recipient. An Easter card decorated with Czech seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand will be appreciated even more.

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Atlas Stars


The perfection of the elaborate structure of the Christmas star made of unique white atlas glass is also supported by the selection of crystal and topaz seed beads with a silver lining. This three dimensional decoration has all the hallmarks of a luxury item thanks to the details involving seed beads with a surface finish of real gold and imitation beads placed in the central section of the star from both sides. The combination of the seed bead snowflakes and the six-pointed star’s atlas structure requires a careful approach and prior experience of stringing seed beads on a wire is advisable. However, the result is well worth the effort. You can choose the colors of the seed beads according to your wishes and to the availability of the bugles and rocailles. The size of the selected seed beads must enable them to be strung onto two wires. We wish you happy holidays and many creative ideas when working with all types of Czech beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand.

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Teddy Bear


We present yet another tutorial for your own beadwork using seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand. This detailed tutorial will show you how to make your own delightful accessory, a seed bead teddy bear, which school pupils of all ages can use to decorate their pencils or crayons.

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