2013 Preciosa Ornela calendar

Preciosa Ornela has culminated the third season of its existence. Third calendar.

Preciosa Ornela has culminated the third season of its existence and as such is presenting its third calendar. The following is a mini-report on the creation of the new calendar from the design through to the realisation and printing

Preciosa Ornela has upheld the tradition of calendar creation. <strong>Preciosa Ornela has culminated the third season of its existence and as such is presenting its third calendar.</strong> The chosen motif of a ballet dancer clothed in a seed bead creation using the successful new two-hole PRECIOSA Twin&trade; seed bead has culminated the annual marketing campaign focussed on presenting the endless range of applications and uses for this article.

<strong>The following is a mini-report on the creation of the new calendar from the design through to the realisation and printing.</strong>

<em>The calendar realisation team:</em>
<strong>   Helena Chmelíková</strong> a Preciosa Ornela designer, the author of the original design and model of the ballet dancer’s organdie skirt
<strong>Iva Mastníková</strong>   a costume jewellery designer, the author of the seed bead creation and the other costume jewellery accessories
<strong>Michaela Lisá</strong>   a ballet dancer and model
<strong>Bob Vejnar</strong>   a renaissance jack-of-all-trades from JBX Promotion, the photographer and the author of the preparation of the calendar for printing
<strong>Petra Lejsková</strong>   a Preciosa Ornela marketing assistant, a visage artist and the author of the mini-report


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