Shamballa bracelet

Difficulty: 2
Technique: Macrame
Designer: Jaroslava Růžičková

Shamballa bracelet with PRECIOSA seed beads

These Buddhism inspired bracelets have recently become a huge trend and a popular fashion accessory among celebrities and media stars. Most Shamballa bracelets are made of waxed linen or leather cords onto which beads of various materials and colors are strung and secured with individual simple, differently oriented knots. This technique was formerly also known as knotting. The bracelets can be adapted to the required wrist size by tightening or loosening the cords which are also finished with beads. 

Materials & Tools


These bracelets are relatively simple to make and Preciosa Ornela therefore offers you inspiration to make your own Shamballa bracelets, which are suitable for men and women who have a wide range of interests and fashion styles, using beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand. The production of one bracelet requires 2 m of 1 mm thick cord or leather and beads or seed beads with holes which conform to the thickness of the cord. 

Step 1

Cut a ca 40 cm long line, tie a simple knot at one end and tighten well. First string the outer seed beads and then string all the sewn round balls alternately with the seed beads and place the outer seed bead at the end. Once again, complete the second end of the line with a knot which you should tighten well (figure no. 1). 


Step 2

Fold the remainder of the cord in half and tie a simple knot around both ends of the shorter cord with the strung seed beads and the sewn around balls so that the ends with the outer knots and the seed beads are connected to the longer cords in the opposite direction by a knot (figure no. 2). Even up the ends of the longer cord and start tying knots oriented alternately in the right and left directions (figure no. 3a, 3b). 

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Step 3

Tie three pairs of alternately oriented knots, then place one of the ends of the cord with the knot and seed bead to the side and continue tying the knots around only one cord. Tie seven pairs of alternately oriented knots and add the individual balls sewn around with seed beads (figure no. 4) between the next pairs of knots. Then tie another seven pairs of knots and add the second end of the basic cord with the knot and seed bead and tie further knots, if there is enough remaining of both ends of the cord. Tie both ends of the cord with a simple knot which you should tighten well; it can be secured with a drop of wax or glue. Tighten the bracelet around the wrist using the ends of the basic cord with the seed beads. It is possible to string various types of beads and seed beads which have a sufficiently large hole. The size, color and amount of the selected beads and seed beads designated for the stringing can also be adapted to your selection without any problems. 

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