Satin Violets

Decorative Violets for a Glass with PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads

We bring you this project, designed by Carla Ruvolo, for a delicate decorative floral element made of PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ and seed beads.

PRECIOSA ORNELA manufactures the widest product range of glass seed beads in the world. One of the most colorful finishes we offer is Solgel, with thirty different shades that all come in three different color intensities. Our Solgel colors can be applied to your choice of crystal, silver-lined crystal, alabaster and chalkwhite beads. The hexagonal PRECIOSA Two-Cut, made from satin glass, transforms spectacularly with Solgel. Applied to the uniquely airy white satin glass, Solgel adds a luxurious element to the seed bead product range by imbuing the glass with a silk-like appearance and shine.

Designer: Carla Ruvolo

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Materials and tools:

PRECIOSA Two-Cuts (T-C351 31 001; 10/0;
05623 Solgel purple
05654 green
05653 green

PRECIOSA Rocailles (R) 331 19 001; 10/0; 01623
(in matching colors purple and green)

PRECIOSA Fire-Polish Beads FPB or PRECIOSA Imitation Pearl IM
151 35 001; 5 mm; 00030/28701
or 131 19 001; 4 mm; 70402 white

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0,50 mm and 0,30 mm copper wire (green, purple); 2 mm Craft wire; pliers and wire cutters; floral tape


Making the flowers
Using the continuos wrapping technique, we are going to make a 5 petals flower (fig. 1).

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String T-C on a 0.50 mm copper wire (purple colored in this case, to match the main seed beads color). Counting 6x T-C, make the first loop, twist twice (fig. 2).

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Slide T-C and make another loop over the first one. Twist twice. Load wire with Solgel purple R and make a third wrap around the previous loop (fig. 3).

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Twist to secure (fig. 4).

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Leaving about 1 cm, repeat the previous steps to make the other petals (fig. 5).

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When five petals are completed, twist together ending wires to form a flower (fig. 6).

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Now we are ready to make the stamens on a green 0.30 wire, load 1 FPB and 9x yellow T-C (fig. 7).

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Using the FPB as the center of the stamen, twist wires for about 2 cm (fig. 8).

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Make a 3x T-C loop for the first stamen (fig. 9).

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Make the other 2 stamen and twist to secure (fig. 10).

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Insert the stamens into the flower and twist ending wires (fig. 11).

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Shape the petals (fig. 12).

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Make another flowers, smaller, with only T-C loops (fig. 13).

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Making the accent leaves (fig. 14).

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On 0.30 green wire, load approximately 10 cm T-C atlas green, a few IMs or FPBs, and 10, 12 cm green R (fig. 15).

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Using the continuos wraparound technique, make a tiny loop using 9 R (fig. 16).

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Make a second larger loop (fig. 17).

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Gently pinch the top of the second loop to achieve a pointed leave (fig. 18).

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Repeat the previous step to make more tiny leaves (fig. 19).

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Make several tiny stems using IMs or FPBs at your choice between the leaves (fig. 20).

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You can make one or more accent leaves (fig. 21).

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Making the leaves
Basic Frame Technique
(fig. 22).

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Load 0.50 green wire with T-C (fig. 23).

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Make a tiny loop on the top (fig. 24).

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Slide four T-C (this will be the first basic row), fig. 25.

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Make a loop on the bottom, under the T-Cs (fig. 26).

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Twist a few times, slide some T-Cs on the working wire (fig. 27).

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Make the second row wrapping the working wire around the center wire.
Use the amount of T-Cs needed to reach the top of the previous row.
The angle of the wire as you wrap will change the shape of your leaf. If you want a pointed leaf keep the angle of the wire at 45 degrees while you wrap it around the center wire (fig. 28).

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Slide some T-Cs to the top where you just make the wrap (fig. 29).

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Wrap the working wire at the base of the first rows (keep an angle of 45 degrees to achieve a pointed bottom leaf).
Now you have 3 completed rows (fig. 30).

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Repeat the steps to make the forth row (fig. 31).

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Complete the fift row (fig. 32).

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Remove any leftover T-C from the working wire and load approximately 10 cm of R and make 2 more rows (fig. 33).

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This will give to your leaf a more complete look (fig. 34).

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Twist a few times to secure the rows and cut the working wire (fig. 35).

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Twist wires together (a plier will help you to achieve a nice twist), fig. 36.

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Cut the top wire leaving 5-6 mm (fig. 37).

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Using pliers, bend the top wire on the back of the leaf (fig. 38).

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Ready to assemble  (fig. 39).

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Wrap wires with floral tape (fig. 40).

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Join leaves accent and flowers with floral tape (fig. 41).

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Shape petals and leaves (fig. 42).

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Your bouquet is ready.
To wrap it around a glass base or to use it as a napking holder, you can wrap it on a longer piece of craft wire using floral tape (to have a long stem for the wrapping), fig. 43.

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Just play with elements, colors and seed bead finish to make more different designs.

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