The procedure:
Step 1:
Select K which are similar to one another.
Step 2:
String 3x K and 1x R. Thread the line through the second hole of the outer K. String 1x R between the K. String 1x R, 1x K and 1x R. Thread the line through the second hole of the R. Tie off the line.

Step 3:
Thread the line through the lower hole of the K and R. Sew on 1x K under each K using the "square" stitch.

Step 4:
Thread the line through the top hole of the K and string 2x R between each of them. String 1x R and thread the line through the lower hole of the K.

Step 5:
String 1x K between each of the K. Thread the line through the lower hole of the outer K. String 1x R. Thread the line through both the holes of the outer K.

Step 6:
Add R and K in front of the K and between the K. First string 2x R, 1x K and 1x R. String 1x K and 1x R in the gap. Then string 1x R and 1x K in the second gap. String 1x R, 1x K and 1x R at the edge. Thread the line through the K from Steps 4 and 5 and the R and K from Step 6.

Step 7:
String 1x R. Thread the line through the second hole of the K. String 1x R, 1x K and 1x R into the gap. String 2x K into the central gap. Then string 1x R, 1x K and 1x R into the last gap. After threading the line through the outer K, string 1x R. Thread the line through the K and R from Steps 6 and 5. Return to the outer protruding K from Step 7.

Step 8:
Thread the line through the second hole of the K. String 1x K and 2x R into the gap. Use the "square" stitch to sew 1x K under each of the two central K. Add 1x R to the central gap and 2x R and 1x K to the third gap. Thread the line all the way through to the centre of the K and R from Steps 7 and 6. Return to the edge of Step 8.

Step 9:
Thread the line through the second hole. String 3x R into the gap and 6x R into the central gap. Thread the line through them one more time and then through the connecting 2x R again. String 3x R into the third gap. Thread the through the second hole of the outer K. Sew it in.

Step 10:
String 1x T and 8x R. Thread the line through them one more time. Tie the line off and hide it. Do this 3x.

Step 11:
String a metal tube onto an eye pin. The wire should protrude by about 1 cm. Grasp the pin between the points of the needle nose pliers. Twist it around the point. Slightly twist it back at the edge of the tube, so that the loop is centrally located. Do this 3x.

Step 12:
Link 1x FPB onto an eye pin.

Step 13:
Create the pendants. Open a 5mm ring. Add the rocaille loop with the T and the linked eye with the tube. Close the ring. Once again use an open 5 mm ring for the outer pendants. Add an R at the edge of the top part of the earring and the linked eye with the tube. Close it. Add the partially opened eye next to the FPB on the central pendant in addition to the linked eye with the tube. Slightly open the second eye next to the FPB. String it onto the central rocaille loop and close it.
Step 14:
Thread 6 mmm rings through the gaps between the K on the upper edge of the top part of the earrings. Connect the rings with another ring and add an earring hook.

Step 15:
Create the second earrning.