Excellent Accessory

Difficulty: 2
Designer: Jaroslava Růžičková
Technique: Basic Beadweaving

Mobile Phone with PRECIOSA Twin™

This elegant seed bead mobile phone covercan be made using the unique two-hole Czech PRECIOSA Twin™ seed beads by means of a simple stringing which is limited to the so-called peyote stitch. The flat layout of the PRECIOSA Twin™ seed beads creates a “snake skin” effect. The correct tightening of the threads in the individual rows is important, as is the careful following of the basic procedure as in the case of other more complex procedures. Choose the PRECIOSA Twin™ colors according to your favourite costume jewellery accessories. In this case, we will use an interesting effect from a mixof Preciosa Ornela finishes on black glass. So, let’s go!

Materials & Tools

Materials & Tools

Metal parts for the bracelet – a snap hook, a backing piece, 1 eye pin, the lining material, a needle, scissors, a ruler , polyester line


In order to ensure the correct amount of seed beads, first create a small sample. String a small amount (up to 10x) of seed beads and sew at least four rows according to the basic rocedure. Measure the sewn sample and compare it with the necessary dimensions of the mobile phone.In this way, you will discover how many seed beads form the basic row, how many rows have to be sewn and how many seed beads will be necessary in total. Sew two rectangles for the mobile phone cover. In order to be able to sew the opposite side of the larger rectangle which forms the basis for the mobile phone cover, the resulting number of rows must be odd. The smaller rectangle with rounded edges will then form the bottom of the cover. It is therefore necessary to ascertain the required dimensions of the mobile phone and, if you want to improve the cover with an inner lining, to add a further 1 cm to the basic dimensions. It will be simpler for beginners to try the procedure with an odd number of seed beads in the rows

Step 1

String one seed bead to begin the stringing (see the stop bead, figure no. 1a). Then string the required number of seed beads according to the length of the mobile (figure no. 1b).

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Step 2

At the beginning of the second row, pass the needle with the thread through the second hole in the last Twin and tighten well (figure no. 2a). String a new Twin bead and pass the needle with the thread through the nearest Twin of the previous row and string another new Twin bead and continue in this way until the end of the next row (figure no. 2b).

2 / a

Step 3

Use the same procedure from the second row in the following rows. Gaps will arise between the individual seed beads and you should gradually sew the following rows of seed beads into them (figure no. 3). Tighten each row well so that the final effect is regular and without any gaps between the seed beads.


Step 4

The edges of products sewn in this way using Twin seed beads have characteristic indentationswhich are easy to sew together (figure no. 4a). Join the large rectangle in this way and create a cylinder, tighten well and sew it up (figure no. 4b). Sew the smaller rectangle to one of the edges of the cylinder as the base of the cover according to the drawing (figure no. 5a). Alternately string T-R-T-R-T-R-T in the first row. Add one Twin on eachedge of the second row and gradually sew new Twins into the gaps. In the penultimate row, reduce the number in each row by one Twin and then proceed in the last row in the same wayas in the first row and alternate rocaillesand Twins (figure no. 5b).

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Step 5

Sew in the material lining with a loop for the bracelet, insert it inside and affix it to the lowerpart of the cover with several stitches.


Step 6

The bracelet consists of a fixed three-row bracelet made of Twin beads (figure no. 6). Once again, designate the dimensions as required and according to the hand size so that it slips over the hand. Alternately string 8/0 rocailles and Twins in the first row. Once you have reached the required size, join the stringing with a strong triple knot and pass the needle with the thread or the fine nylon line through the second hole of the first seed bead. Continue as at the beginning of the second row of the basic rectangle. Repeat the entire procedure in the third row and complete the stringing and sew it up. Connect the eye pin to the bracelet at the beginning and end of the stringing. Pass it through a backing piece and connect the eye to a snap hook. Hook the snap hook onto the mobile phone cover’s loop.

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