
Difficulty: 3
Technique: crocheting

Crocheted creole

This time, we have used small PRECIOSA Solo™ pressed seed beads to make the crocheted rocaille tube more interesting. These new beads have the same shape and size as the PRECIOSA Twin™ two-hole beads or seed beads and they are an excellent supplement in those cases where free holes are surplus to requirements. If you have not yet had the opportunity to try the options provided by these oval, one-hole pressed beads, we offer you a relatively simple tutorial for the creation of effective cogs which can become part of a decoration for a mobile phone, on a handbag or as a pendant on a key ring, while two of them can make fun earrings, part of a necklace or be used as a semi-product to create more complicated pieces of costume jewellery. The easy to understand process for the creation of a crocheted tube can also be found in the project called: Jelly Candies – a crocheted tube.
Preciosa Ornela wishes you a lot of fun during your beadworking.

Materials and tools

Other materials & tools

crochet yarn, a 1.25 crocheting hook, African hooks, linking rings, a needle and thread, scissors, pliers


Step 1

If you do not have a special Big Eye needle, pass a fine line or thread through the eye of the needle and create a loop and thread the yarn through it. String rocailles and beads onto the crocheting yarn in the following order: 10x R10, 1x S. Repeat the stringing 22x and finish it by stringing 10x R10. String a total of 240x R10 and 23x S (fig. 1).


Step 2

Create the basic loop Keep it relatively large – it will later be used to connect the seed beads to the circle. Count off 5 seed beads and crochet a chain with seed beads. Move one seed bead as close as possible to the crochet hook and then hook the yarn and crochet the first loop with the seed bead. Repeat the procedure four more times and in doing so create 5 chain links with 5 seed beads. Then pass the hook through the first basic loop and pull the yarn through both loops at once. Then insert the hook into the loop to the left of the first seed bead, twist the bead to the right to the bottom, move as close as possible to the next nearest seed bead, hook the yarn and crochet the first loop (thread the yarn through both loops at once).
Add the seed beads to the second row and then crochet firm loops with seed beads and beads with a spiral. You have done this correctly, if all of the seed beads in all the rows have their holes turned in the direction of the crocheting (upwards). As soon as the tube is at a length which is sufficient to go around the widest part of the arm, crochet the last row without any beads (fig. 2a). Hide the remains of the yarn inside the tube and cut off the remainder (fig. 2b). Thread the thread into the needle and sew the ends of the tube together and create a circle (fig. 2c).  

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Step 3

Use a peyote stitch to sew a stripe so that there are 11x rocailles in the middle.
(fig. 3a, b – the diagram of the sewing of the stripe on an odd number of beads). Add the stripe to the finished “cog”, string 1x R8 and sew both ends together (fig. 3c).

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Step 4

Pass the connecting ring (fig. 4a) through the larger rocaille (R8) and attach an African hook (fig. 4b). One earring is now finished. Repeat the entire process once again in order to complete the pair of earrings (fig. 4c). 

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