
Difficulty: 2
Technique: stringing, linking

Earrings made from memory wire

Choose seed beads in the trending colors for Autumn and Winter 2024/2025 and use this tutorial to make a pair of playful earrings. The circles interconnect and create an attractive, moving unit.


Helena Chmelíková

She is able to switch from luxurious and extravagant fashion show pieces to the preparation of hobby projects,

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Material and Tools


Memory wire (MW) with a 50 mm, 55 mm and 60 mm diameter; 4 mm rings; earring hooks; rubber stoppers for earring hooks


Large snipping pliers for sturdy wire; a pair of flat-nosed pliers; a measuring tape; needle-nosed pliers or pliers with a rounded point


Step 1

Snip a 2 to 3 cm piece of MW from each diameter.


Step 2

Twist a horizontally placed eye on one end of the MW. Grasp the end of the wire between rounded points at the tip. Turn the pliers and the wire will twist around the point. It will probably be necessary to change your grip on the pliers/move them several times. The MW is tough and resilient. Twist gently backwards at the place where the end of the MW approaches the MW hoop, so that the eye is centrally located. You can squeeze the eye from the side and close it with the flat-nosed pliers. You can also modify it into a horizontal position.

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Step 3

String the rocailles onto the hoop. String 15.7 cm (up to 100x R1) onto the 50 mm MW, 17.2 cm (up to 110x R2) onto the 55 mm MW and 18.8 cm (up to 120x R3) onto the 60 mm MW. Fill almost the entire hoop. String a rubber stopper onto the memory wire. Use the tape measure to measure the entire length of the R along the outer circumference of the stringing. Remove the stopper and alter the length (add or remove beads) if necessary.

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Step 4

Remove the stopper. Hold the last R with one hand. Use you second hand to shorten the protruding MW to 8 – 10 mm (8 mm – an almost pointed, rounded point and 10 mm – a round point with a flat surface) with the snipping pliers. Grip the edge of the protruding MW and twist an eye. You can also adjust it using the flat-nosed pliers. Both eyes should be in the same opposite position. You can also adjust the entire hoop with delicate movements.

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Step 5

Connect the eyes on the R1 hoop using a ring and two flat-nosed pliers.

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Step 6

Open a new ring. Thread it through the eye on the R2 hoop, the ring on the R1 hoop and the second eye on the R2 hoop.

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Step 7

Open a new ring. Thread it though the eye on the R3 hoop, the ring on the R2 hoop and the second eye on the R3 hoop.

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Step 8

Attach an earring hook to the ring on the R3 hoop.


Step 9

Create a second earring.



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