PRECIOSA Tee™ pressed bead's dimensions of 2 x 8 mm mean that this product complies with the current trends for mini beads. The axially symmetrical flat "T" shape enables the use of vacuum half-coatings with the resulting effect of a full-coating decoration and other popular surface finishes. The strung beads closely interlock and as such simplify the creation of varied three-dimensional structures and interesting planar structures.
She is able to switch from luxurious and extravagant fashion show pieces to the preparation of hobby projects,
Learn MoreMetal parts – any surface finish: magnetic endings on a 4 cm ribbon; they can be replaced with crimp ends, rings or an American fastening (a T-bar)
A medium thread (Belfil-S 30 polyester thread – the warp, the weft, the ending); a long thin needle; scissors; a small loom; a thicker tailor's needle; super glue; flat nose pliers (closing the rings); glue for absorbent - non-absorbent materials (sticking on the ends); a rubber mallet (closing the crimp ends)
The bracelet is 4 cm (11 rows) wide. The woven section consists of 29 columns. The bracelet is 18.5 cm long.
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