Zyanya Keizer and Czech seed beads


Zyanya Keizer and Czech seed beads

Zyanya Keizer a české perličky


This will be the venue for a presentation by this Dutch fashion designer, whose fashion makes use of all types of shapes of glass seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand.

The show will take place in the style of a SLOW FASHION SHOW, where the audience has the opportunity to study the fashion and workmanship in detail thanks to the slow pace of the models.


fashion designer

She has a mixture of two completely different cultures in her blood. Perhaps this is why her fashion is so marked by significant contrasts.
She was born in Mexico City in 1984. Her mother is a Mexican and her father is originally from the Netherlands. She studied at the Central St. Martins secondary school in London where her love of fashion was born. She gradually developed her inclination towards the clothing trade by studying at the Belgian Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. 
Zyanya Keizer strives to blur the boundary between art and fashion. Her collection expresses imagination and an escape from everyday life. Old and new meet with sentiment and nostalgia, while a desire for the future mixes with surrealism.
Zyanya usually finds inspiration in nature. Nature has fascinated her with its perfection and simplicity, but also with its complex beauty ever since her childhood. However, she further develops this inspiration by combining it with mutually contrasting elements, such as rough and smooth structures or light and dark tones. She also supplements her fashion with an abundance of various seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand.

Her work is based on thorough craftsmanship and the use of unconventional materials and shapes. She plays with textures and details which give rise to varied modelled elements in clothing which highlight the natural curves of the human form. 

You will find Z. Keizer's work at http://zyanyakeizer.com/

View the short video
from the fashion show in Amsterdam, 12. 4. 2019

The author of the model designs full of seed beads under the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand is Zyanya Keizer

Photographs from the fashion show (Source: Zyanya Keizer)

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Zyanya Keizer - the author of the fashion desings

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The beauty of nature is an indisputable inspiration for the Dutch fashion designer Z. Keizer (Source: Z. Keizer)

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