We walked in through the open doors of PRECIOSA ORNELA in Desná

And it was worth it!

We warmed ourselves by the furnaces, ran our fingers through barrels of beads, admired the glass makers at their work and felt the pride of the glassmaking craft.
On Saturday 17th June, the Desná and Polubný glassworks not only filled up with lovers of glass and tourists, but also with employees from the entire PRECIOSA Group with their families and friends. After all, the production areas are not usually freely accessible to everybody who works at PRECIOSA.

As such, the Open Day was a unique opportunity to embark on the long journey taken by Czech seed beads from the furnace to the drawing and cutting of glass rods and on to the rounding and sorting processes. Visitors were able to see how chandelier hangings are cut and the production of unique types of raw glass using the latest technology. There were many people there and it was sometimes even necessary to wait in a queue.

během dopoledne nás prošly sklárnami asi dva tisíce příprava ingotu pro vytažení trubičky barevná radost
About two thousand people passed through the glassworks in one morning  The preparation of an ingot for the drawing of a glass rod The colours invite you to touch them.

všude jsme se dozvěděli co a jak vyzkoušet si dilnicky
Everywhere we learnt how things are done. And sometimes it was possible to try out  the glassmaker's art for yourself. Workshops for clever hands

The traditional method of hand-melting glass rods for the production of seed beads was of most interest to the visitors. The guests had the opportunity to see how a star is made inside the PRECIOSA Cornelian Star bead. The experience was further enhanced by the care of the easily spotted guides and informative employees who happily answered the guests curious questions.

Watch a short video from the Open Day in Desná.

A report from the celebration of the 170th anniversary of the glassworks in Desná - GENUS PLUS TÝDEN

The Open Day took place within the framework of the celebrations of the 170th anniversary of the commencement of glass production in Desná. A further opportunity to celebrate this anniversary will be presented at the "Glass from Desná - Design Desná" exhibition from 7th December 2017 to 1st April 2018 at the Museum of Glass and costume Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou. More at www.design-desna.cz.

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