The "My lamp beads" competition


The "My lamp beads" competition


Win with PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Glass™ lampworking rods!

Fans of working with glass had a great chance to acquire new equipment for their glass workshops during the summer months, including lampworking rods from Preciosa Ornela, so that they could enhance their art or to win a stay at a mountain chalet in the Giant Mountains (Krkonoše), where they could take a break from their work.

Mrs Dana Augustová is an enthusiastic glass artist who has had to go through a lot to achieve her dream of having her own craft workshop. She is now in charge of the "Nadechni se" craft workshop in Malá Úpa and she organised the interesting summer "My lamp beads" competition in cooperation with Preciosa Ornela.

The entrants' task was to visit Mrs Augustová's creative workshop and to create their own lamp bead there. It is hard to say whether the greater attraction lay in the option of winning a stay at the luxurious Hradečanka mountain chalet or the chance of acquiring a new gas burner, a hobby package of PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Glass lamp bead rods and other equipment for the production of lamp beads.

Lamp beads are created by winding heated glass of varying colors onto a wire. The production method and the technological options are unique within the glass bead family. They are the only ones to be made exclusively by hand, so every single item is an original.

The creative workshop in Malá Úpa is visited by many tourists every year. During the holidays, forty of them sat down at a burner to try their luck in the competition. You can view the photographs of all the beads which the competitors twisted on a gas burner and much more on the Facebook profile of the "Nadechni se" workshop. During the competition, the Facebook profile was also supplemented with various contributions such as an interview with a burner maker or an article on A guide to Czech lamp bead glass, etc.

The creative workshops at the "Nadechni se" workshop in Malá Úpa and Dana Augustová's blog are definitely worth visiting. Reading her story will especially inspire those who feel that the path to their dreams seems overly difficult.

The winners of the prize draw are Mrs Nora Lipkovská and Mrs Anna Krátká. Congratulations!

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Two lamp beads produced by Mrs Anna Krátká's children - nine-years-old son and three-years-old daughter

nora lipkovska

Mrs Nora Lipkovská's lamp bead

PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Glass lamp bead rods


Slide background
Hobby balení
1 kg


Lampové tyčinky
PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Glass™

14 barev v balení,
délka cca 800 mm

3 varianty balení:
- transparentní barvy
- syté barvy
- opálové a alabastrové barvy


Zásnubní 385
468 61 Desná

Open: Monday - Friday (7 am - 1 pm)
T: +420 488 117 482

(only hobby packs)
Krkonošská 733
468 61 Desná

T: +420 488 117 525
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


sucharda petr circle
Petr Sucharda

T: +420 488 117 480
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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