The 2019 Fashion Colorworks competition

The winners of the tenth year of the international Fashion Colorworks creative competition have been announced.

Bead lovers around the world create wonderful pieces of jewellery and accessories and they often choose beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand for their creative work.

Since 2010, we have been able to admire the most amazing creations gathered together at the My Lovely Beads website thanks to the Fashion Colorworks competition.

According to the competition's rules, every participant has the option of choosing one of three offered combinations of colors which are trending for the current fashion season. These colors are chosen according to the trend collections announced by the Pantone Color Institute, which is an internationally renowned expert and provider of color systems.

The competition is open to professional and amateur creators from all around the world. The entries must be original pieces made by the participants, but it is also possible to present collective work.

As one of the main sponsors, Preciosa Ornela assessed the authors of the best designs in the following categories:

1) The best finished costume jewelry

1 marina lobanova zaporozhie ukraine 2 elena miklush moscow russia 3 olesya ochakovskaya astrakhan russia

1st place: Marina Lobanova, Ukraine

2nd place: Elena Miklush, Russia

3. místo: Olesya Ochakovskaya, Rusko

2) The best seed bead object or accessory

1 natalia kuneshova orlovo voronezh region russia 2 maria muravieva st. petersburg russia 3 anna savihina tartu estonia
1st place: Natalia Kuneshova, Russia 2nd place: Maria Muravieva, Russia 3. místo: Anna Savihina, Estonsko

3) The best choice of colors

katerina kolesnikova kiev ukraine
Katerina Kolesnikova, Ukraine

4) The best use of beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand

aleksandra lysenko prague czech republic
Aleksandra Lysenko, the Czech Republic

5) The public's choice

maria muravieva st. petersburg russia
Maria Muravieva, Russia

6) The best newcomer to the competition

svetlana antonova borovichi novgorod region russia
Svetlana Antonova, Russia

7) The best miniature

natalia gotchieva petrozavodsk russia
Natalia Gotchieva, Russia

8) The most original work

hana horakova brno czech republic
Hana Horáková, the Czech Republic

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