Seed beads and the world fashion elite

Seed beads at a gathering of the world fashion elite in Rome, IHT Luxury Conference

Czech seed beads also adorn handbags with a provocative legend by Vivienne Westwood, with which Mr Manolo Blahnik is posing in the photograph.

On 15th-16th November 2012, the elite of the world fashion industry met at the annual “IHT Luxury Conference” which this year had the subtitle The Promise of Africa and was held in Rome.

The representatives of the <strong>ITC/Ethical Fashion Initiative</strong>, Mrs Lisa Baratt and Mr Jeremy Brown, also headed to the conference after their visit to Preciosa Ornela in Zásada.

The conference was attended by the representatives of luxury international fashion brands such as <strong>Vivienne Westwood</strong>, <strong>Manolo Blahnik</strong>, <strong>Fendi</strong> or <strong>Versace</strong> and also by the representatives of companies and organisations which cooperate with these brands and of course by leading journalists such as the famous Suzy Menkes, who chaired the entire gathering. The ethical approach to fashion and fair trade were the main topics of the contributions by all the participants.

The first two international brands <strong>Vivienne Westwood</strong> and <strong>Manolo Blahnik</strong> have not been mentioned by chance. They both have used <strong>seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads brand</strong>. Moreover, Mr Blahnik is also connected to Preciosa Ornela seed beads by his Czech origins. Both these international designers have created collections using Czech seed beads. At the conference, Mr Manolo Blahnik recalled his popular “Maasai” collection of seed bead shoes created in 1997 for John Galliano, the eccentric designer for Christian Dior.

Czech seed beads also adorn handbags with a provocative legend by Vivienne Westwood, with which Mr Manolo Blahnik is posing in the photograph.


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