Celebrate the 170th anniversary of the commencement of glass production in Desná with us

Come to our Open Day from 8 am to 1 pm on Saturday 17th June and experience the unique atmosphere of the glassworks at the PRECIOSA ORNELA facility.

We will open  the doors to you at our Polubný and Perlovka plants.

The Polubný plant

Take a look at both history (the traditional manual production of glass chandelier hangings and laboratory and decorative glass) and the latest developments (the latest technology for melting glass in special units which produce unique types of raw glass and an entire range of products from it). You will also see a wide array of methods for grinding, cutting, matt finishing and polishing glass. You will be able to enter a unique environment where hot glass clinks once it has been freshly removed from the furnace, heat radiates from the kilns and there is a smell of burnt wood.

The Perlovka plant – the production of glass seed beads

Glass seed beads and technologically and visually unique glass costume jewellery components have been industrially produced in Desná since the mid-19th century. Follow the entire production cycle from the drawing of glass tubes through to the cutting and rounding, sorting and final packaging of the beads after processing.

We will also make your Saturday with our accompanying program in the PRECIOSA ORNELA premises in Desná and its immediate environs.Riedl's Tomb - Costumes

  • 8:00 am – 2:00 pm – the Riedel Tomb – a guided tour in historical costumes
  • 8:00 am – 2:00 pm – the Riedel Villa – the presentation of a new exhibition, guided tours of the villa, a creative workshop
  • 2:00 pm – the Sklář Culktural Centre – DS Vojan Mladá Haluz – a theatrical presentation of “Long Live Ghosts” for children
  • 6:00 pm – the Old Catholic Church of the Ascension of the Lord – the option of a tour – a choir of volunteer musicians – spring-time music making

Take a look behind the scenes at the traditional production of glass seed beads, glass semi-products, technical and decorative glass and much more. The finished products are sent all over the world under the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ and PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Glass™ brands.

You are warmly welcome!

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