Open Day 2021

Preciosa Ornela in Desná will once again open its doors to the public.
Take advantage of this opportunity during the Crystal Valley Weekend.

Preciosa Ornela will once again open its doors to the public after two years.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to see how our internationally renowned glass seed beads are created. There will also be displays of manual production and the cutting of decorative glass items.

Come to the production facility in Desná on Saturday 2 October between 8 am and 1 pm.

Open Day

What can you look forward to?

You will learn about the journey that each glass seed bead undertakes before it reaches the customer.

You will also have the opportunity to see the manual production of crystal decorative items. You will see how demanding and at the same time beautiful the glassmaking craft is.

The newly reconstructed Glass Shop in Desná will also be open for you.


Come and visit us:

Preciosa Ornela
Saturday 2.10.2021
from 8 am to 1 pm

The Desná production facility - Perlovka, Polubenská huť
Krkonošská 732, Desná

The open day at Preciosa Ornela will take place as part of the Crystal Valley Weekend regional event.

The essential hygiene measures for entry

The substantiation of freedom of infection

- 14 days since the completion of full vaccination, at least 180 days from any experienced case of Covid-19, a negative PCR test (not older than 7 days) or an antigen test (not older than 72 hours)

Respirators / facemasks

It will not be possible to perform a rapid antigen test on site.

Thank you for your understanding.

Atlas Bijoux I Yani - Zásada

Costume Jewelry Made From Seed Beads

Those interested in costume jewelry made from seed beads can visit the Atlas Bijoux and Yani companies in Zásada on both days of the weekend.


The Open Days

Atlas Bijoux


2. - 3. 10. 2021

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