Marion Hume

Marion Hume on a visit to Preciosa Ornela

Marion Hume, a remarkable woman who has managed to use the influence of the world of fashion to help the poorest people on Earth throughout her professional journalism career, has visited Preciosa Ornela and the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou.

Marion Hume, a remarkable woman who has managed to use the influence of the world of fashion to help the poorest people on Earth throughout her professional journalism career, has visited Preciosa Ornela and the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou.

This British fashion journalist who has written for the most distinguished newspapers and magazines in Great Britain, the USA and Australia is one of the world’s most renowned fashion commentators. She is also a consultant at the Ethical Fashion Programme based in Geneva and Nairobi. At present, she is the international fashion editor of the Australian Financial Review and she writes for the Financial Times, the Daily Telegraph and the <strong>Saturday Telegraph Magazine</strong> in Great Britain and <strong>Harper's Bazaar </strong> in Australia.

The reason for her visit was her interest in the history and the present of the production of traditional Czech seed beads which she has found in the wonderful creations of <strong>Vivienne Westwood</strong> and in the works of other fashion designers who work with the <strong>United Nations Ethical Fashion Initiative</strong>. This personality, whose journalistic activities oscillate between the glitter of fashion catwalks and the fashion initiative in Africa, left the Jizera Mountains fascinated by the story of Preciosa Ornela which manufactures these “small glass miracles”.


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