Limited collection Design Desná 2017 - Vase, 1973

Vase dating from 1973

PRECIOSA ORNELA unveils the last exhibit in the Design Desná 2017 Limited Collection from the workshop of the designer Václav Hanuš. In doing so, PRECIOSA ORNELA will complete its showcase of selected glass products from the Desná Since 1847® brand.

Designing in the Czechoslovak glass industry came with its own specific tenets dictated by the nature of the country’s socialist economy. Exports, which were favored, were the responsibility of the only state joint-stock Skloexport, a company that also decided what collections would be part of the product range. It also initiated the development of new ideas.

Václav Hanuš viewed the situation as follows: “While I was employed, I had the support of Skloexport. And Skloexport wanted new designs every year. This meant that I was continuously forced to produce. I had no difficulties and got many things that I requested. Nothing was too big a problem. Skloexport clearly had priority at that time, and whatever it needed it simply had to get. I made some drawings, the company signed off on them, a request for material was made, and samples were produced. I didn’t have any problems with items for export. The problems came with goods intended for the domestic market, both in terms of sales and quality.”

Text: PhDr. Petr Nový

vaza1973 clanek

Vase, 1973, Design Václav Hanuš

Glass Blown into a Metal Mold, Polished and Matted


We warmly invite you to the Desná Glass - Design Desná exhibition, at which you can view and purchase all the selected works from the Limited Collection. This exhibition constitutes the culmination of the celebration of the significant 170th anniversary of glass production in Desná. It is being held at the Museum of Glass and Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou from 8th December 2017 to 15th April 2018.

We also invite you to the vernissage upon the opening of this exhibition on Thursday 7.12.2017 from 5 pm at the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou. You can look forward to a performance by the Aries ensemble from Liberec which will add colour to the atmosphere of this ceremonial event.

You can purchase the selected articles from December 2017.
Contact: Martin Koutný

From December 2017, you can also look forward to the new book publication DESNÁ GLASS 1847 - 2017 (VIDEO TRAILER). The author of this book is Petr Nový, the chief curator at the Museum of Glass and Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou.


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