Limited collection Design Desná 2017 - Vase, 1965

PRECIOSA ORNELA presents the second of five selected LIMITED COLLECTIONS

Admire with us the uniqueness of the glass work created by the designer Václav Hanuš.

Vase, 1965 - Design by Václav Hanuš - Glass Blown into a Metal Mold and Cut

The 1960’s had many facets. While the open-minded hippies professed peace, love, friendship and freedom, the close-minded military strategists played a deadly game of nuclear chess. On the one hand, man landed on the moon and the last of the African nations rid themselves of colonial rule, on the other the Cold War raged in Vietnam.

At the beginning of this decade Czechoslovakia became a Socialist Republic; at the end it became a federation. The Communists remained in power though they began to take on more liberal views, which, however, were not aligned with the hard Soviet doctrine. Concepts like competitiveness and harmful state monopoly began to penetrate economic politics and practices, even in the glass industry. Here great emphasis was placed not only on manufacturing efficiency but also its artistic quality.

Text: PhDr. Petr Nový

vaza hanus 1965
Vase, 1965, design Václav Hanuš

You can view vase from 1965 and other selected exhibits from the LIMITED COLLECTION at the Desná Glass exhibition at the Museum of Glass and Costume Jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou, from 7th December 2017 – 15th April 2018.

The purchase of selected articles will be possible from December 2017.
Contact: Martin Koutný

From December 2017, you can also look forward to the new book publication "GLASS FROM DESNÁ 1847 - 2017", which constitutes the culmination of the celebration of the glass making anniversary in Desná.

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