International Glass Symposium 2012

Nový Bor  -  glassmakers from round the World. PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads.

This year we are already going to see 11th of the International Glass Symposium anniversary. The Symposium will offer a wide range of beads and seed beads including PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads and an abundant accompanying program.

Year 1982 was the first year of the International Glass Symposium, known as IGS. Its tradition was founded by Crystalex; at that time a state enterprise. This event has been taking place since that year every three years, and it is the reason why the best domestic and foreign artists and designers regularly come to Nový Bor and cooperate with Czech glassmakers on creating new artwork.

This year we are already going to see 11th IGS anniversary. Among the organizers, besides town Nový Bor, are local Glass School, Glass Museum and prominent glass factories from Nový Bor and nearby. The aim and the mission of the symposium are clear and today even more pressing than ever before – it is to introduce not only the glass artists from round the world, but what is more to introduce local top glassblowers, engravers, cutters, mould-makers and thus the companies that employ them. They all help to uphold the tradition and ensure the future of the phenomenon well-known as Czech Glass.

The Symposium will offer a wide range of beads and seed beads and an abundant accompanying program. Amongst others, PRECIOSA ORNELA will also present its products there. Visitors can also look forward to beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads brand.


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