International exhibition

International exhibition of glass and costume jewellery in Jablonec nad Nisou

The Association of Glass and Costume Jewellery will hold an international exhibition of glass and costume jewellery called Fragile Beauty at the Eurocentrum in Jablonec nad Nisou from 8. to 11.8.2013.

At the beginning of August, the <a href = "" target =  "_blank" >Jablonec Eurocentrum</a> will once again be filled with glass and costume jewellery companies. <a href = "" target =  "_blank" >The Association of Glass and Costume Jewellery</a> will hold the second year of its fourteen-day international exhibition, the largest of its type in the Czech Republic, aimed at showing that glassmaking and costume jewellery production are still alive and well in Jablonec nad Nisou.

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The exhibition will offer a wide range of beads and seed beads and an extensive side program. PRECIOSA ORNELA will be amongst the exhibitors presenting their products there. Visitors can look forward to beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads brand, as well as to small pieces of costume jewellery.


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