Glass Town

Town festivities focused on glassmaking will take place in Železný Brod on 12th and 13th September 2020.

We invite you to the 14th year of this traditional gathering of glassmakers, artists, historians, collectors and lay admirers of glass art and high quality craftsmanship.

Glass Town started under very modest conditions, but it is now one of the largest cultural-social events in the town.

This year's traditional gathering will not only offer many exhibitions, but also a rich cultural program full of music and artistic performances. The public will be able to admire the creativity and craftsmanship of the students from the glass school or actively join in the special program of "creative glass workshops", which have been prepared for them in several fields. The glassmaking crafts which are characteristic for the local region will not only be presented and demonstrated on the Small Square, at the glass school and in several company stores, but you will also be able to purchase glass products and costume jewellery there.

The festivities will also include the MADE IN JABLONEC 2020 fashion show, for which Preciosa Ornela has prepared 15 models with Czech beads and seed beads as part of 5 cases of cooperation with schools with a creative focus.

View all mentioned models at our Flickr Gallery.

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