Glass Town

Glass Town 2013

The third weekend in September was reserved for a celebration of the glassmaker’s art which is perhaps the most beautiful town event held in Železný Brod

The 7th annual celebration of glassmaking held in Železný Brod was characterised by a unique meeting of glassmakers, artists, glass craftsmen and producers and the lovers and admirers of the glassmaker’s art. The common denominator for this event was GLASSMAKING in the Železný Brod region and everything associated with it. The official opening of Glass Town took place in front of the building of the Glass Applied Arts Secondary School in Železný Brod at 9 am on Saturday 14th September with the participation of a number of important guests.

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This year marked a significant anniversary of the creation of the modern type of drawn glass sculpture which has been given to the world by Železný Brod.

The glass historian Antonín Langhamer prepared an exhibition of 70 years of glass sculpture in association with the town museum. The exhibition was held in the Vlastimil Rada Town Gallery and in the Glass Museum in Poříčí from 23.8.2013 to the end of September.

Another interesting exhibition of contemporary glass was held in the Lhotský Gallery in Chlístov u Železného Brodu and in the Space for Glass which is located in the gallery run by the glass artists Jaroslava Brychtová and Stanislav Libenský in Poříčí.

The local glass school is a significant venue for glass activities. The work of the school’s best students was on display in the school’s exhibition areas, while local glass companies participated at a Glass Trade Fair held on the ground floor. As usual, there was great interest in the Creative Glass Workshops which were open to the wider public. The 2013 Summer Glass Workshop (a glass symposium on the theme of “A Set Table”) took place in the school’s glassworks.

The branch of the Jablonec Crafts and Services Secondary School based in the Municipal Authority’s building invited visitors to view its specialised workplace for blowing technical and decorative glass.

The area of the Small Square and Husova Street was reserved for the performance of glass crafts and the sale of glass and costume jewellery.

The representatives of Preciosa Ornela presented the company both at the glass school and in the form of a stand selling beads and seed beads from the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads brand. The traditional meeting of glassmakers and the lovers and admirers of the glassmaking craft was once again accompanied by a rich cultural program and a number of creative workshops.<a href = "" target =  "_blank" ></a>


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